Vacancies at Hotel Brunner

Are you looking for a job in Amberg, vacancies for career changers or an apprenticeship in the hotel industry? Why don’t you apply to us? A secure job in Amberg and a friendly, familiar team awaits you!

We currently have no available jobs. Please feel free to try again at a later date.

Did you know?

You find the vacancies interesting? But before you apply, you will want to find out more about our company. No problem:

Hotel Brunner is already family-run in the second generation. It is located in Amberg’s historic old town. It offers its guests unique overnight stays. Selected, personal hospitality determines our everyday life. With its 45 rooms, the hotel can accommodate a large number of guests. Many rooms were individually designed by regional artists. This is how we offer unforgettable overnight experiences.


The history of the Hotel Brunner and its surroundings goes back many years. Read more about the exciting trials and tribulations up to the present day!

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Learn where you may be working. Of course, only if you apply for vacancies. Our rooms offer a lot of variety.

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Do you have any questions? Are you looking for a vacancy that is not listed? Write to us using the contact form. We will be happy to respond in one to two business days.

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Discover our appearances in the social networks. We have a presence on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. This way you will always be up to date.

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